10 February 2010

Well, it's been a while, hasn't it?

So, I started writing poetry again. Still cute little ones, but I like those.
This one does not have a title yet. Lend me your thoughts?

I feel like I'm in high school again -
this fluttering in my torso,
hundreds of tiny
wings (faeries, perhaps?)
spreading their blessing through my
physical body, to match
this stream
of consciousness flitting
through my synapses, illogical
yet penetrating

my Heart:

so quick to leap
out of my breast and bestow
a portion of itself upon the nearest
adorable nerd
on its radar.

This situation is so
predictable, yet also
exciting; it has been too
long since these bubbles filled
this ribcage and head,
bringing me close
to giddiness -
how deliciously juvenile
a feeling. So warm
to bask in, so cozy
to remember.

22 September 2009


I haven't been writing in here nearly enough.
This is something I was afraid of when I started
the pills. There's so much to write about
yet no phrases come to mind.


30 June 2009

unrequited no more

It’s funny how quickly
a friendship can
dissipate when you’re
no longer
secretly in love
with them.

There’s nothing
left to want.

15 May 2009

The letter I wish I could have written

Darling Löwchen, 

Of course I'll forgive you
and help you turn
your broken life
around, and love
you forever, regardless.

Trust is easy
to regain; your words
are enough for me.

I am still yours
because soulmates exist
and people do belong
to each other and
it so rarely ends
in disaster.

We can be best friends
and lovers at once
and forget
the past together.

I still love

Immer deine, Süßchen

20 April 2009

I should know better...

I'm trying to think
of what I can learn
from this besides cynicism, 

09 April 2009


It's all too similar to wishing,
this gauzy hope.

You tear it so simply
with your silence.

13 March 2009

and so it is.

"Endurance is an expression of love." - Lee Woodruff

and therefore I
endure, because 
I love
myself, so for me
I will withstand
all the heart-
break and drama
and fear that life
in my direction

to prove
to myself
that I love her.